I was originally going to just choose a couple of photographers from National Geographic but, It was just way to hard to narrow down to just two. There are so many amazing, outstanding, and absolutely stunning photographs to choose from. There are photographers, photojournalist, scientist, a whole TV network, producers, all kinds of editors, the list just goes on and on. So, as you can see it is very hard to just pinpoint just one. Here are some of the photographs that I have enjoyed. PHOTOGRAPH BY MILAN RADISICS, WILD WONDERS OF EUR OPE Victrica Falls Photograph by J. Phillip Nix pHOTOGRAPH BY MAGNUS LUNDGREN PHOTOGRAPH BY ANNIE GRIFFITHS, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CREATIVE I HAVE CHOSEN TWO PHOTOGRAPHS FROM VICTORIA FALLS MAINLY BECAUSE IT IS JUST ABSOLUTELY STUNNING! I HAVE HAD THE GREATEST HONOR OF BE ABLE TO SEE THIS STUNNING WATERFALL IN PERSON A FEW YEARS AGO, IT MAY POSSIBLY BE MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE PLACE I'VE...
Duane Michals is one of the greatest photographers of century. He is widely known for his work with series, multiple exposures, and text. In most of his work he has text as key component in his work. Its kinda like little notes on his photographs . source:http://www.dcmooregallery.com/artists/duane-michals/series/featured-works?view=slider