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Annie Leibovitz

Anna-Lou "Annie" Leibovitz was born in 1949 in Waterbury, Connecticut. Annie was enrolled in the San Francisco Art Insitute intending to study painting. I was not until she traveled with her mother to Japan she discovered an interest in taking photographs. When she returned Annie started taking night photography classes. In the 1970's Annie started working for Rolling Stone her first cover was with John Lennon. Ten years later Annie took more photos of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, who had recently release their album "Double Fantasy." For this portrait Annie wanted both Lennon and Ono to be nude but, Ono refused to be. The result showed Lennon nude and curled around a fully clothed Ono. Several hours later John Lennon was shot dead out in front of his apartment. This photograph ran on the cover of Rolling Stone with no other words than the logo. 
Image result for annie leibovitz rolling stone john lennon


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